Monday, May 9, 2011

Take 3: 2011

Hey everyone, we're back for Summer 2011! There's a lot going on in the next few months, and we'll be here in Mt. Washington to let you know about all of the great concerts, bands, and also to share the best Christian music.

We're in the studio recording tonight, so I'll pass along any good things as they come up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hey everyone!

Happy May! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves as our school has ended and public school will soon too! We're in the studio recording tonight, and we'll have a show up for you all next week -- Wednesday at 5pm!

Plenty of new stuff on the way. Take care until then!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some more music for you!

Here's a preview of a song that'll be playing today at 5: Everyday Sunday -- Find Me Tonight. Only a few more weeks of school left on our end... hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bible Blog: How do you live out your faith?

So if you listen to us any time in April, you'll hear the beginning of our newest sets: The Bible Blogs. The name could use some workin'... personally I think it's a bit cheezy, but that's not really the point of the matter.

We'll periodically have these on the show, where we ask you -- the audience -- a question about your faith that you can answer by replying to our blog posts. You can do that by submitting a comment at the end of the post!

So getting started today, we find ourselves in James Chapter 2 where the question is being asked -- How do you live out your faith? In verses 14-17, James comments...

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James is saying is that you *can't* can't cant just speak your faith for it to be 'real' and 'lasting'... in regards to being cordial to people and just going about your day. You've got to live it out -- later in the chapter he even goes on to say that 'even the demons believe... and shutter.' In this context James is making the point that they acknowledge that God exists, and they choose not to act on that in their daily life. How would we be any better if we did the same thing?

It's about walking the walk, and practicing what you preach. If you're living a life where you are loving those around you, and are working in their best-interest because God has placed that on you and you have genuinely interest in them -- that's living out your faith. If you've been called to take notice and act when you've seen something you can change or fix for the better, that's another example. There are plenty of them, and we all have specific examples in our lives of how we can do this.

I've gotta get to class so I'll elaborate more later (and post up some audio!) but until then -- How do you live out your faith? Leave us a comment here on the blog and we might read your reply on the air!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Season 2 Begins Tomorrow!

Hey everyone! We'll be back tomorrow on Reach 95.3 FM in Mt. Washington at 5pm! Through all of April we'll be appearing in a reduced timeblock since both Cliff and I are still at school, so you can expect an hour of great music from us every Wednesday at 5!

Until then, here's another song we'll be playing tomorrow by a great band that goes by the name of Downhere. They're responsible for "My Last Amen," one of my more favorite songs as of late, but today we'll be playing "Better Way." Check it out below!

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